Our 2 Day Seminar

Learn Self Acupuncture


Embark on a remarkable journey with Shelby and Susan, where you will unlock the secrets to healing your own body. Get ready for three extraordinary days filled with invaluable knowledge and transformative experiences. Discover the incredible power of acupuncture as we guide you through a handful of remarkable points that will revolutionize your understanding of self-healing. These points are not only easily accessible but also simple to master. Imagine the freedom of being able to needle yourself anytime, anywhere, in the sanctuary of your own home. No more relying on others or costly treatments. You hold the key to your own well-being, and we are here to show you how to unlock it.

Embrace the extraordinary potential within you, and witness the miraculous effects as your body responds to the care it truly deserves. By nurturing your body with what it craves, you accelerate its natural ability to repair and restore itself. Now is the time to seize control, to take charge of your body and your destiny. Join us on this empowering journey, and let your inner strength guide you towards a life of vitality and harmony. The power to heal is within you, waiting to be unleashed. Don't wait another moment. Take action now and embark on this life-changing adventure. Your body is calling out for your attention, urging you to reclaim your power. Embrace the limitless possibilities that await you. Together, let's create a future where you are the master of your own well-being.

Our 2 Day Seminar

What You Can Expect At You Healing You Seminars

Cost Of Seminar : $995

The Five Elements

We discuss the Five Element theory and how it helps to diagnose and differentiate illnesses and dysfunctions in the body. By demonstrating each element, you can observe the association with all human health, such as diet, movement, and emotions, and the interconnectedness with nature and our environment.

 We will discuss the function of the organs, which points are most effective for which ailments, and clarify how this is all related to you being able to bring real change to your medical issues in your body. Once we learn your specific medical concerns, we will tailor a treatment program for you to take home and practice regularly.

Point Location

Each day, we will spend as much time as needed for all our students to become comfortable locating the points we teach. Initially, we find the point and mark it out with a marker. Pretty soon, you will not even need to mark the point out. We only teach points that are easy to find and easy to needle. The repetition of locating points on all three days has proven effective for students to leave the seminar confidently.

We address the apprehensions people have with acupuncture needles. We discuss the sensations of these soft, flexible tools and how they slip between the skin cells to stimulate sensory nerves in the skin and muscles. 

On Day 1, we will learn the most essential points to the needle. On Day 2, we will reinforce what you learned the days before and keep practicing it so that it gets profoundly ingrained and everyone feels capable of locating the points and needling the points on their own alone at home. 

How & Why It Works

We will delve into what meridians are and how these road maps in Eastern philosophy work alongside Western medicine's peripheral and central nervous systems, demonstrating the clinical influence that the stimulation of acupuncture points along with sensory nerves provide signals to the brain, which processes this information and then causes clinical changes associated with treatment.

Once we explain how the human body is wired with this circuitry of meridians that carry qi (through your nervous system) to your organs, you will understand why inserting a tiny little needle in a specific spot can make our body move towards homeostasis (perfect balance).

We will have in-depth conversations on how the body functions from the Eastern Medicine Model and why putting in needles helps the body heal and find balance. We then review, assimilate, flesh out, and answer any questions to ensure you fully understand the concepts before going home. We have discovered that repetition is the key! 

Learning To Needle

We understand that almost everyone finds it scary to insert a needle in their body. However, we found with our students that they immediately get over their fear as soon as they see that the needle does not hurt. Our painless insertion techniques give you confidence and calmness about treating yourself.

On Day 1 & Day 2, we will repeat the process of learning to needle multiple acupuncture points. It doesn't matter if the student excelled in school or found it very difficult; the repetition of practicing needling over the three days will allow the student to get it "in their body," and it will become second nature. 

Payment is due in full at time of enrollment

All payments are non refundable after 24 hours

Seminar Pricing

The Seminar Tuition is $995.00

The tuition includes:

  • 2 days of course work
  • A Needle Kit with all supplies you will need
  • The Law of the Five Elements book by Dianne Connelly
  • The Acupuncture Course videos by Susan Jones
  • A Gift Basket of Apothecary Chocolates by Dr Shelby Connelly
  • A Follow Up bi monthly newsletter to every graduate of the program

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Unlock Your Healing Potential.

Are you ready to take back control of your health? Susan & Shelby can help you learn self acupuncture. Register today for one of our seminars to get your journey of self healing started.

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